I saw the doctor this morning and I am now cleared to get out of the boot and actually put a shoe on my left foot! I’m really excited and can’t believe I have made it this far. Two days ago, when taking out the trash, I put on my sandals just to run the trash can to the curb and it felt really good to have a sandal on my left foot. Even though I have been going barefoot around the house without the boot, it was different to be in a shoe. Mentally it felt like progress and it seemed to make walking a bit easier and better. The doctor told me I am cleared to wear shoes when walking around and at work (sitting in front of a computer isn’t too strenuous!), but if I do anything even a little active like yard work or playing with the kids, he wants me back in the boot. The scar is healing well and the hair is growing back on my leg. I have been going to physical therapy three times a week and that is going well too. We haven’t done anything too aggressive, but just moving the foot around and having the joint and scar area manipulated by the therapist is great.
Author Archives: Logan
Cheaper NeilMed Alternative
While the NeilMed packets of salt are really convenient – especially for kids – the cost adds up quickly. I personally use a ziploc disposable container full of sea salt and a spoon for my neti pot and this is about as cheap as you can get. I buy the sea salt bulk from Whole Foods or a similar grocery store. I covered my neti pot routine in a previous post. I tried using my sea salt for my kids in their kid-sized NeilMed bottles, but they seemed bothered by the sea salt and complained. It seems harsher than the more balanced mix you get in the NeilMed packets. I continued to buy the replacement pediatric packets for a while, but then one time my People’s Pharmacy was out of the refil packets. I found a small canister of balanced salt specially packaged for nasal cleansing and tried that. This was a very successful switch for me. It is much cheaper than the equivalent NeilMed packets, it lasts longer, has no waste from the package material, and really has worked out well. It comes with a little plastic scooper so it is easy to measure out the right amount of salt and easily scoop and pour it into the bottles. Finally, when I ran out of salt in the container I intended to buy another one, but didn’t get around to it for a while. In the meantime, I refilled their canister with some of my sea salt stash intending to still buy them a replacement. Well, they haven’t complained and it doesn’t seem like they have noticed, so for now I’m just going to reuse the canister and refill it with my bulk super cheap sea salt!
Torn Achilles Update – No More Crutches
I’m walking on my own two feet again (sort of) and so glad to be rid of the crutches. Yesterday I didn’t use them for most of the day, and limped without putting my full weight on my left leg. Today I saw the doctor again and now I can put full weight on my leg, but I need to remain in the boot for about two more weeks.
Torn Achilles Update – Down to One Crutch
I saw the doctor again today and I am now down to using one crutch. I can start putting weight on my left leg. Starting today I can put weight on as I can tolerate it, up to my full weight on it in 2 weeks. Full weight also means getting rid of the other crutch! I like being down to one crutch because now I have one hand free for carrying things. This is already so much better than two crutches! Also starting physical therapy this week. Will give more updates as that progresses. I am still amazed that I really have had no pain from this at all since the surgery. It is uncomfortable, and the back of my leg/heal is really tight, but no pain.
Torn Achilles Update – Making Progress
I am making progress in my recovery from my ruptured Achilles tendon. Yesterday I went back to the doctor and he adjusted the boot so it was in a neutral or 90 degree position. Previously, the boot was angled down at a 30 degree droop in order to keep tension off of the tendon. I am happy to be making forward progress, but going from the drooped and relaxed angle to a completely flat angle has been hard. My tendon is really tight and has shrunk up so it is very uncomfortable to be stretched even into this neutral position. The flat position is much easier to move around and more comfortable for things like sitting in the car, so overall it is good. I still hate the crutches and I think that is the worst part of this whole ordeal. Getting around on crutches just sucks. My wrists are messed up and sore, and my armpits are getting sore and chaffed even though I mostly keep the weight off of the armpits like you are supposed to. The hardest thing to get used to with crutches is that I can’t really carry anything. I have been making great use of my back pockets and will stick food, bottles of water, whatever in my back pocket and hobble back and forth to the couch. It is a real pain and I can’t wait to get off of the crutches. More updates to come as I progress through this slow recovery.
NeilMed Promotion – Free NasaDrops
I just got an email from NeilMed that they are running a promotion for NasaDrops which are individual single-use tubes of saline water for rinsing noses on the go. For babies, children, or adults. You need to buy the product and then send away for the rebate, but seems worth it if you use these or want to try them out. Check out this link: www.neilmed.com/usa/mailer_nasadrops.php for the rebate form: