Author Archives: Logan

Master Cleanse – Day 3

According to most people, getting through day 3 is the biggest hurdle for doing the Master Cleanse.  I’m at day 3 and doing pretty good.  For me, day 2 yesterday was worse than day 3.  I’m going to cover some ideas to help you get through the mental issue of not eating for so long.
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Master Cleanse – Day 1

Well, here I go!  I started today on a Master Cleanse which I plan on doing for at least 10 days and may do 14 days this time. Ah, that familiar process of squeezing the lemons and that familiar taste of spicy lemonade sweetened with maple syrup. Hopefully some of my ideas and insights can help you with mental preparation and fortitude to make it through if you are thinking of doing a cleanse yourself.  Stay tuned for more.  If you haven’t read it and you are interested, grab a pdf copy of Stanley Burroughs’ original book.  Keep in mind that it was written in the 70’s and is quite technical and dry.  Still an interesting read.

Master Cleanse Time

I have been thinking about doing another Master Cleanse or lemonade diet for most of the summer. My health has increasingly gotten worse and my head more filled will mucus. I have been getting more frequent headaches lately, and today I have a blistering one again. It has been several years since I did my last Master Cleanse and while it isn’t a fun process, I was really really pleased with the results.

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Staycation – Top 7 Tips

With the economy still bad and people continuing to watch their budgets I’ve seen and heard a lot lately about “stay”cations or taking a vacation, but not going anywhere.  Yes, it is a good way to save some money, but make sure that you do it right.  A staycation done wrong will just waste your vacation time.  Here are my top 7 tips if you choose to vacation at home. Continue reading

Fun Kid Quotes

While on vacation at the beach recently our kids repeatedly were saying “I’m so hungry I could eat my foot!”  Not exactly sure where they picked it up, but it was funny.  Then, after a morning in the sun and sand my littlest who is 4 exclaimed “I’m so thirsty I could drink my foot!”  We all laughed and then he thought it was funny that we thought it was funny.  Ah, precious moments with kids.

More Keeping Your Nose Clean

simple ceramic neti pot

simple ceramic neti pot

A while back I talked about cleaning your nasal passages with salt water with both a neti pot and the NeilMed squeeze bottles.  Today I’m going to cover the next step you can do with a neti pot.  What I covered in the previous article is considered Level 1 of jala neti.  There are 2 additional levels – Level 2 and Level 3 and this post covers Level 2.
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