Category Archives: Excercise

New Year’s 2009

Happy New Year’s 2009!

As we start another new year, it is an excellent time to think about resolutions for living better.  I want you to live better and by making resolutions that actually work you can progress on your path to living better.  In this article I will offer some tips for making resolutions.  In a follow-up I will detail my own resolutions and then check back in later to see how I am doing.

Be Realistic

Don’t make a resolution you know you will never manage to keep.  If you are behind from the start, then this will only serve to depress and upset you.  Find things that are realistic and that you are excited about.  Even taking a small step will improve your spirits and that can help motivate you to stick with it.

Be Specific

Don’t make generic resolutions like “I’m going to lose weight and exercise more”.  Instead be specific like “I’m going to lose 5 pounds” and “I’m going to walk for 30 minutes once a week”.  This way you have a tangible goal to meet and it will be clear if you are following the resolutions.

Write It Down

It is much easier to let a resolution slide if you just made it up in your head.  Take the time to write your resolutions down.  Do something like writing them on paper and hanging it up somewhere that you will keep seeing it or write it on the web in your own blog or facebook/myspace/twitter/personal web page.

Don’t Get Discouraged

If you fall short of your resolution or skip a few days/weeks/months, don’t get discouraged.  There is nothing stopping you from starting back up with your resolution and getting back into it.  Instead of feeling like you have failed, give yourself a break and make the most of it.

What Is – Living Better?

So what exactly do I mean by living better?  I’ll spell out in this post what type of things I’ll cover and what point of view I have.

Eating Better

I always keep the adage of “you are what you eat” in mind.  What ever you put into your body becomes your body.  I will cover topics like eating organic, eating healthy, eating less, and eating higher quality foods.  I’ll also offer tips for food and meals.

Treating Your Body Better

After eating better, exercise is one of the most important things you can do.  I’ll cover weight loss, exercise, cleansing your body, alternative healing methods like acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, and herbal therapy.

Treating Others Better

When we strip away all the junk of daily living, we are left with basic human interactions.  I’ll cover topics like getting back to basics and getting more from your relationships.

Treating Animals Better

I have been a vegetarian for 17 years now, and will cover topics of vegetarianism, animal rights, and being aware of how animals are treated.

Treating The World Better

Our world is being abused every day.  We can each do our own small part to help out with the things we chose to buy, the companies we choose to patronize, and working hard to minimize our carbon- and trash- footprints on the earth.

Living Simply and Simply Living

In our day of rush-rush and consumerism, I’ll help to remind you that we all can benefit from simplifying and reducing stress.  I’ll cover tips for getting back to the basics, as well as financial advice.

Inspiration For Living Better

Hopefully all of this will result in small ways to inspire you to live better.  Some times it might be a complete paradigm shift while others might be just a small tip to help get you through the day.  I’m not perfect myself, so I plan on working through some of these myself.  I hope you decide to join me on this journey.