I recently discovered coconut milk and have been drinking it and using it in smoothies. It is awesome for that, but these vegan coconut bars are awesome!
Category Archives: Food
I Love My New Rice Cooker
I had been contemplating buying a rice cooker for a while and researched many different units available. Here I’ll tell you what I ended up getting, how I’m using it, and why I love it.
Gluten Free Pasta Tips
One of my sons and I are sensitive to wheat, so we have tried to eat more wheat and gluten free foods. In our house, pasta is a staple so not having pasta available as an option quickly became a problem. We tried a number of different wheat free pastas and found that some are terrible and some do a very good job resembling pasta. To hopefully save you some trial and error yourself, I give you my findings after much “error”.
Faire Food
Well today was not a healthy food day, but we had fun. We spent the day at the Texas Renaissance Festival in Plantersville which is a 2.5 hour drive from Austin. The gluten-free went out the window for the day, and we enjoyed fried mushrooms, fried cheese sticks, macaroni and cheese, mini donuts (beignet in faire-speak), and even fried Snickers bars! Mmm, so good it is hard to resist.
I’m writing this post using the iPhone WordPress app which seems pretty good at first glance. I may do a future post about it once I’ve had some tome using it.
Happy Thanksgiving
Logan here wishing you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving! This is a wonderful opportunity to stop and realize what is important in your life and refocus on family and food. Many people get a day or two off so you hopefully have some time to spend with family. Also, since food is a big focus of Thanksgiving so this is a great time to reexamine your thoughts on what you are putting into your body and think about healthy eating. How ever you choose to spend your time, I hope it is good.
Thanksgiving Meal
I find it unfortunate that there is so much focus on turkey for Thanksgiving. With all the other traditional side dishes we never miss the turkey and always feel full. We have made an effort to create our own family traditions around the meal without the turkey. We have the typical fare of cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, stuffing (if using store-bought, check the ingredients – not all are vegetarian), and green beans. One year we tried to cook a tofurkey and it was a unanimous failure – we all hated it. Our vegan friend swore that tofurkey really was great and that we needed the tofurkey gravy, but I don’t think any of us are willing to try it again. I have also heard of other families that make a tradition out of trying new recipes for main dish turkey-replacers. What ever you choose to do, it is a good opportunity to build family traditions.
Holiday Hype
I also find it unfortunate that Thanksgiving now gets overshadowed by the beginning of the Christmas holiday season and the hype of the black Friday shopping. As a non-Christian it seems like we are overwhelmed by people who think that everyone celebrates Christmas. I’m not looking forward to another month of cashiers wishing me a merry Christmas and having to decide to either tell them I don’t celebrate or just grit my teeth and respond with a yielding nod.
Staying Positive
Anyway, the real think to focus on for Thanksgiving is exactly what the holiday is named for – giving thanks. It is a wonderful time to stop and think about what we are really thankful for. I suggest you take this time to think about what you are thankful for, what you want from life, and how you can get there. Stay positive, and be thankful.
Eating Vegetarian Without Cooking – Rice And Tofu

Finished Dish - Rice and Tofu
This was a really simple dish which I was surprised that I got the kids to eat and enjoy pretty easily. There is a little cooking involved if you count the rice, but hopefully that is easy enough.