Category Archives: Food

Weight Loss And Weight Control – Part II

This is a followup to my previous post Weight Loss And Weight Control – Part I.

As I discussed previously, I got up over 210 pounds at my heaviest.  I started eating better and excercising and lost a few pounds here and there.  Then I made one change and proceeded to lose 10 pounds in two weeks time.  What was that one thing?  Simple.  I stopped drinking canned soda.  My company – being a hip development shop – provides free soft drinks so we have refrigerators full of soda.  I used to drink 3+ cans of soda a day and in an effort to get healthier I had cut back to only one can a day.  I figured that was ok and I could still lose weight, but boy what a difference that final one can of soda made.  I decided to completely cut out that last can and switch to drinking only water and the occasional juice.  I couldn’t believe the impact!  The pounds melted away!  I was so struck by the difference that one can of soda made that to this day I still don’t drink soda at work.  I drink exclusively water, VitaminWater, and the occasional juice.  I do still drink soda occasionally when I go out to eat, but not on a regular basis.

Also, I discovered a great soda made with cane sugar instead of the high fructose corn syrup crap in regular soda.  It is called Jones pure cane soda and I get mine at our local Target store.  Check them out at  I like the cream soda flavor.  Be careful because they also sell soda with aspartamine, which I think is terrible.

On that note – before you suggest diet soda, I hate any and all diet sodas for two simple reasons: 1) they taste terrible and 2) the “artificial sweetners” they use are harmful and toxic.  Sounds like a good topic for a future post!

So, my Logan Challenge for you today is to completely cut out soda for a week, a month, or more.  See what the impact is on you and report back here in the comments or email me at

Weight Loss And Weight Control – Part I

Even being a vegetarian for 17 years hasn’t prevented me from falling victim to one of America’s biggest problems – overeating and being overweight.  I’m 6’1″ and my idea weight is around 175.  At my heaviest I was over 210.  No, that isn’t a huge deal, but it really slowed me down and made me feel bad about myself.

I got in the habit of eating for comfort and eating because I felt like it.  Over the course of about 6 months, I lost over 35 pounds and got back down to 175.  Since then, I have successfully kept the weight off and now manage to stay between 175 and 180.  Adjust the numbers for your own height and body type, but I can share with you how I managed to lose my weight and keep it off.  I found a nice, simple ideal weight calculator at this site.

Over the next few posts, I will share several of the best tips of things that have worked for me, including the one thing that I did that helped me shed 10 pounds in a matter of a few weeks.  Also, I have some great observations on what has happened to my body and how it can traslate to helping you lose weight and keep it off.

What Is – Organic?

Just about everything lately is available in organic forms.  What exactly does organic mean?  The terms “organic” and “conventionally grown” are typically seen.  Organic means grown without chemical pesticides and chemical growth enhancers (think Miracle-Gro), while “conventionally grown” means grown with chemical pesticides and chemical growth enhancers.  It is an unfortunate situation that has arrisin out of our modern society.  Only 50 years ago, everything was grown naturally and the idea of using chemicals on crops was unheard of.


In order to be labeled “organic” the product or produce must be certified by an officially recognized organization.  Some of these include:

What Is – Living Better?

So what exactly do I mean by living better?  I’ll spell out in this post what type of things I’ll cover and what point of view I have.

Eating Better

I always keep the adage of “you are what you eat” in mind.  What ever you put into your body becomes your body.  I will cover topics like eating organic, eating healthy, eating less, and eating higher quality foods.  I’ll also offer tips for food and meals.

Treating Your Body Better

After eating better, exercise is one of the most important things you can do.  I’ll cover weight loss, exercise, cleansing your body, alternative healing methods like acupuncture, chiropractic, homeopathy, and herbal therapy.

Treating Others Better

When we strip away all the junk of daily living, we are left with basic human interactions.  I’ll cover topics like getting back to basics and getting more from your relationships.

Treating Animals Better

I have been a vegetarian for 17 years now, and will cover topics of vegetarianism, animal rights, and being aware of how animals are treated.

Treating The World Better

Our world is being abused every day.  We can each do our own small part to help out with the things we chose to buy, the companies we choose to patronize, and working hard to minimize our carbon- and trash- footprints on the earth.

Living Simply and Simply Living

In our day of rush-rush and consumerism, I’ll help to remind you that we all can benefit from simplifying and reducing stress.  I’ll cover tips for getting back to the basics, as well as financial advice.

Inspiration For Living Better

Hopefully all of this will result in small ways to inspire you to live better.  Some times it might be a complete paradigm shift while others might be just a small tip to help get you through the day.  I’m not perfect myself, so I plan on working through some of these myself.  I hope you decide to join me on this journey.