Category Archives: Helpful Tips

Eating Vegetarian Without Cooking – Easy Burritos

These simple burritos can be made in 5 minutes in the microwave.  Using black bean dip makes it easier than cooking up beans and they taste delicious.




    Corn tortillas
    Black bean dip
    Shredded cheese*
    Sour cream*

* = substitute vegan cheese and omit the sour cream for vegan version.

I use corn tortillas because we try to minimize wheat.  Substitute flour tortillas if wheat/gluten is ok for you.

Also you can add lettuce or other fresh vegetables if you have them on hand.

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Vegetarian Tips

Being vegetarian isn’t easy and it takes time and effort to prevent yourself from becoming a junk food vegetarian.  By this, I mean eating crappy snacks and things because it is harder to make a full meal or find something filling.  I was a junk food vegetarian for a while and managed to get about 40 pounds heavier than I wanted to be.  Stopping the constant junk food snacking is essential to keeping fit and healthy.
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Eating Vegetarian – Without Cooking

I’m going to start a regular segment called Eating Vegetarian Without Cooking.  By “without cooking” I mean simple meals that can be made quickly either with no cooking at all or by using a microwave or toaster oven.  I never have much time for cooking, and with three small kids I have learned a few things about feeding people (myself included) quickly, simply, and vegetarian.

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Make Time For Health

It is important to stay on top of your health and well being.  Many people get caught up in the rush of our modern day lives and forget to take care of themselves.  While we have great new technology and medical knowledge available to us, it isn’t useful if we don’t take the time to benefit from it.

Get Checked Out

It is so important to see your doctor regularly, but many people don’t do this and keep putting it off.  Regular annual checkups with your primary doctor can help to catch things before they become major health problems.  Also, if you wear glasses it is important to get your eyes checked every year.  Wearing out-of-date prescriptions isn’t healthy for you and you deserve to see the world better too.

Stay On Top Of Health Issues

If you know you have specific problems make sure to keep up with them.  I have found relief from chronic headaches by seeing a chiropractor.  When I slip up and don’t get in for a while, then it takes longer to get my neck and headaches back under control.  A little time used by going in regularly saves me in the long run by keeping things in check.

Listen To Your Body

Your body is great at sending out signals when something is wrong.  If you keep getting headaches, don’t just hide them with pain medicine every day, try to figure out what is going on.  Don’t ignore your body, but take the time to listen to it and figure out what it is trying to tell you.  Sometimes you may need to go to several different doctors, specialists, or alternative medicine practitioners before you figure it out.

Logan Challenge

My challenge to you today is to be honest with yourself and write down what you need to do for your health, whether this is getting in to your regular doctor for a checkup, or pursuing a specific health problem.  Then take action and follow up.  Your body will thank you and your family will thank you as well for taking care of yourself!

Keeping Track

One thing I have found very beneficial is to keep track of your activities and the results.  This is very good for running or biking times and distances, other exercise activities, or also tracking general projects.  I started an Excel spreadsheet 3 years ago and have tracked every bike ride I’ve taken in those 3 years.  I have a cheap little cateye cycle computer and I collect total distance, average speed, total time, and max speed.  I like being able to see how I have improved my times, improved my number of rides per week, and things like that.  It gives me a great sense of accomplishment.  Tracking a project like a computer build, craft project, or car restoration is also a good idea.  Things like these can the be turned into interesting or tutorial web pages as well.

Track consistently

This is really the most important part.  When you have a nice long history of data it is great to be able to know what you have done and then you have a sense of accomplishment.  Get in the habit of recording your data as soon as you are done.  This will become natural and then you won’t have holes in your data.

Do something

It really doesn’t matter how you track, just keep track.  This can be a simple as writing it down in a notebook, keeping track in an Excel spreadsheet, or getting some specific software to help you track.  Obviously, if your end goal is something to display on the web then it makes sense to input it into a computer.  The format isn’t as important, however as data can usually be repurposed and translated to different applications once it has been entered on the computer.

Using the data

Make sure that you actually use the data.  Periodically go through your numbers and look at things like how often you did your activity, what improved, and what you could stand to improve.  If you have something that would make a great tutorial, publish it on the web and let other people enjoy and learn from your experience.

If you haven’t done anything like this before, I suggest you start today.  Yes, you may not have data from before which would be nice to have, but if you put it off more then you have even more data lost.  Make it important and simple, and keep with it!