I’m Back, It’s Official, and I’m Full of Ideas

I have been going through several trying things personally, and have needed some of my own motivation.  Well, I’m back and plan on updating the blog regularly and bringing you lots of helpful ideas and motivation.

The blog is official now – I have completed the incorporation of this blog, so please welcome Lopaul Industries, LLC to life!  I want this to be more than a casual hobby, so I committed to making it a business and have begun investing in it and treating it as a business entity.

Look for new and current posts.  I have a notebook full of ideas and a number of draft posts already in progress.  I also have exciting ideas about how I can help my readers with motivation and inspiration.  Please stay tuned as I kick this thing into high gear and start cranking things out.

Gluten Free Pasta Tips

One of my sons and I are sensitive to wheat, so we have tried to eat more wheat and gluten free foods. In our house, pasta is a staple so not having pasta available as an option quickly became a problem. We tried a number of different wheat free pastas and found that some are terrible and some do a very good job resembling pasta. To hopefully save you some trial and error yourself, I give you my findings after much “error”.

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