Tag Archives: weigh loss

My New Year’s Resolutions – Follow Up

Since today marks the half way point of 2009, I thought it would be a good opportunity to look back at my resolutions from my New Year’s 2009 – My Resolutions post and check in to see how I’m doing.  While there is always room for improvement, overall I think I’m doing great.

Do more

I made this resolution because I have had problems being inert in the past and not really living life.  I have done pretty good here and this blog is one example.  I have had periods where it didn’t get updated as often as I wanted, but lately I’ve gotten back on track.

I want to keep the ball rolling with this blog and I also have ideas for two other sites.  Also, last year I had started the site drivemoregreen.com which has languished without any attention.  I’d like to revamp that and get it going again.

I resolve to continue doing more and keeping my momentum going for the rest of 2009.

Spend more time interacting with my kids

This one I have done pretty well.  I’ve really tried to focus on enjoying being with the kids (which isn’t always easy!) and finding more time to spend with them.  I have also spent more one-on-one time with my son.  We started watching Deadliest Catch on Discovery.  Yes, it is a little hypocritical for an ethical vegetarian to enjoy watching them pull so many crab out of the ocean, but it is exciting and has great talking points for conversations with my kids.  I just had to shoo away my daughter so I could finish this post 🙁 but overall I’m still doing better.

I resolve to continue spending more time interacting with my kids.

Stay in shape and maintain my weight

This one I’ve done great at.  My ideal weight is 175 and I don’t like going over 180.  So far this year I’ve only been over 180 once and have stayed between those two numbers the rest of the time.  I have been biking about two times a week, which is up from last year’s one time a week average.

I resolve to continue staying in shape and maintaining my weight.

Get stronger

I don’t have an official or proper program for this yet, but about a month ago I started doing pushups every day.  I have seen an improvement in my arm muscles and I’m really happy about this.  I plan on continuing with the push ups and will consider adding in more strenght training if I can figure something out.

I resolve to continue working on getting stronger.


This has been a good excercise to write down my resolutions and track them.  I highly recommend it – and even though it isn’t New Year’s right now, you can make a resolution right now and start trying to live better.  Do you have a follow up for your resolutions, or something you want to start doing better now?  Be sure to post a comment and let me know.