This post collects all the posts about my recent 14 day Master Cleanse. If you start from the beginning, I have helpful tips as I go through, and you can follow along on my progress and experience. I hope you enjoy this and I would love to hear your feedback on this. Was it helpful or inspirational? Are you considering or have completed a Master Cleanse? Make sure to comment and let me know.
thank-you for posting your experiences! Did you do the salt water flushes in the mornings? If so how much salt did you take? I’m considering doing my first cleanse starting after thanksgiving.
Thanks for your comment Kim. I did the salt water flushes for the first 4 days, and then did them occasionally after that. I used the recommended 2 level teaspoons in 32oz of lukewarm water. Make sure you use teaspoons – not tablespoons! I find it hard to choke down that much salt water which is why I didn’t keep doing it every day. I also did the herbal laxative tea every night. After Thanksgiving is a great time to start! Good luck, and let me know if you have any other questions or just need some inspiration to help you through.