Build your own taco bar
Build Your Own Tacos
This is a very simple idea and was a really big hit with the kids. I called it a “build your own taco bar” and they were sold instantly.
Build your own taco bar
This is a very simple idea and was a really big hit with the kids. I called it a “build your own taco bar” and they were sold instantly.
This post collects all the posts about my recent 14 day Master Cleanse. If you start from the beginning, I have helpful tips as I go through, and you can follow along on my progress and experience. I hope you enjoy this and I would love to hear your feedback on this. Was it helpful or inspirational? Are you considering or have completed a Master Cleanse? Make sure to comment and let me know.
So yesterday was my last day of a 14 day Master Cleanse and today I’m drinking just orange juice per the directions I covered yesterday about how to end a Master Cleanse. Today I thought I’d wrap things up with some facts, figures, and observations.
Over the course of 14 days, here is what I consumed:
I started out at 180 pounds and ended up this morning at 163.5, so I lost a total of 16.5 pounds or about 1 1/4 pounds a day.
I had the same experience as my previous time in regard to hunger and desire to eat. I found it easy to manage the hunger by drinking more lemonade. I found it hard to manage the “not eating” part. Eating is so ingrained in us, and the process of eating is such a large part of our lives. I found that I was thinking about eating quite a bit and missed the ritual and process of actually eating.
My system of making all the lemonade in the morning really works well. I like having all the squeezing done right away in the morning and it makes it that much easier to follow through with drinking just the lemonade.
I really feel I benefited from the extra days past day 10. As I stated, day 11 was my Master Cleanse turning point. I feel renewed and energized following the cleanse. I also feel mentally in a better place and I want to work to keep myself going on this good path.
I think that now more than ever it is a critical time. It will be very easy to slip back into bad habits and lose some of the benefits of the cleanse. Here are my plans and goals for myself:
Now it is your turn – if you are thinking about doing a Master Cleanse, go ahead and start planning for it now. If you completed one, or if you have no plans to do a full cleanse, then write down some goals and plans for yourself. Let me know what you think too.
So tomorrow is my last day and I’m feeling great having made it well past my goal of more than 10 days. Now is the time to start thinking about breaking the cleanse. Today I’ll cover some ideas and tips for ending your cleanse.
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Today has been my turning point. I finally have started to feel some of that energy that is talked about with the Master Cleanse. I don’t have anything to add today, I just am glad that I’m feeling good. This also verifies for me that going past 10 days for me has been necessary to really clean myself out. Stay tuned for more.
I am very close to my goal of exceeding 10 days. My tip for today is that if you start to feel a headache coming on, drink extra water. This has worked like a charm for me and I have used this successfully throughout this cleanse as well. Today is the first time that my headache was not relieved by drinking just water and I had to resort to taking 2 Advil. Not happy about it, but it had to be done and it worked well and quickly – probably had a quick uptake in my stomach with nothing else to digest.